Neuro Counterstrain therapy address the recently discovered neuro-fascial dysfunction. Treatment targets nerves attached to the upper spine, upper extremities, and cranium. This therapy can correct dysfunction found in peripheral nerves, cranial nerves, sympathize and parasympathetic nerves, and dural membranes. Symptoms of neurofascial dysfunction include impingement syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, Diagnostic tender points, carpal/ cubital/radial tunnel syndromes, disequilibrium, muscular weakness, all types of spinal pain, rigid muscle tone, nausea, CRPS/RSD, digestive dysfunction, frozen shoulder, headaches, fibromyalgia and other conditions.
Neuro Counterstrain can also address areas of the body below the sternum. Therapy can apply to the pudendal nerve, anococcygeal nerve, Femoral nerve, Sciatic nerve branches, S1-S4 nerve roots, the Celiac ganglia, Inferior mesentric ganglia and Saphenous nerve branches. There are also therapies for Nuchal Ligament release, Sphenobasilar flexion and Sphenobasilar extension. This therapy addresses disorders including pelvic floor dysfunction, lower extremity neuralgias, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and a myriad of other conditions including whole body inflammatory/auto immune disorders.
44025 Jefferson St., Ste 104
La Quinta, CA 92253 |
Phone: (760) 345-5453
Fax: (760) 345-7063 |
Hours of Operation:
Mon - Friday 7:30am - 6:00pm Closed weekends and major holidays |
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